Baltimore Needs a Compost Facility

Together, we are building Zero Waste and Development without Displacement in Baltimore. Recently, Baltimore City started a food scrap drop off program as a step towards taking organics out of the landfill and incinerator in response to years of community action for Zero Waste policies and programs. We are responding by building on this step and ensuring that we can all play a role in taking it to the next level…Click the digital flier below to get involved in Friday Scrap Fridays!

Baltimore Needs a Compost Facility
We still lack our own compost facility in Baltimore City and so all food scraps we drop off are hauled ~40 miles to PG County to the nearest large scale facility. By maximizing participation in the new City food scrap drop off program along with our work to advance Baltimore’s own community led Zero Waste infrastructure we can create the needed urgency to starve the incinerator while creating good local jobs and directing resources towards building communities rather than displacement through environmental injustice and climate change. Remember, food scraps and organics make up between 30-40% of what is burned and buried in Baltimore!

Please, take these 3 small steps today:

  1. Sign up for Food Scrap Fridays and let us know what roles you can play to help:
  2. Share the sign up form with your friends, neighbors and network.
  3. Start collecting your food scraps right now! Drop us a note at to let us know you got started!

Thank you for your commitment and support to grow the movement in Baltimore and beyond.

With deep appreciation,

The South Baltimore Community Land Trust Team

P.S As always, you can donate and sign up to get involved to support the movement for Zero Waste and Development without Displacement in Baltimore. We need a growing unified movement to follow through on a promise this big. Your passion, skills and energy are valued and needed right now!

Need Housing?

Start now by filling out our Housing Application Form. We will follow up with you and do our best to support you in your journey.