Invest in Community Owned Development
Thank you for supporting our work! We encourage you to make a recurring monthly donation to become a Sustainer of SBCLT. Monthly donations provide stability as we build a strong and lasting foundation so the knowledge, wealth and power we build can be passed on to help light the way for future generations.
We are committed to creating permanently affordable housing and a just transition to Zero Waste in Baltimore. Our concentrated focus will directly benefit the residents and workers who have lived here for generations and built our communities while also welcoming new individuals and families to make it their home.
To reach our mission we are relying on the support of others to help us cover our construction and operations budget. Every dollar raised goes to support our work and the people who make it happen. Please click here and make your donation today. Every dollar we raise adds up to more good works we will bring to our communities.

Your Support Matters
- $100 helps us with our ongoing land maintenance – SBCLT takes ownership of abandoned overgrown lots where we envision beautiful vibrant homes, common spaces and more that our community members will own and enjoy. Until that becomes a reality we need to clear our lots and keep them free of trash.
- $250 will support a week’s pay for one of our Youth Leader’s stipends. Our Youth Leaders help to educate fellow residents, clean up our neighborhoods, create businesses out of discarded materials (Visit our patreon page HERE) and are doing what they can to make the community they call home, a better place to live.
- $500 supports Zero Waste action planning. We bring together members of our community to engage, plan and act together. Supplies, food and space are an ongoing cost to our work.
- $1000 gift will go directly to our ongoing community education and organizing program. We want to hear what our neighbors need and want as we build unity towards change that none of us can create alone.
- $2500 will support our housing education and community education training and consulting. SBCLT will educate every interested home buyer in the steps they need to take in order to qualify for a mortgage, purchase their home. We also have ongoing classes on home maintenance, budgeting and personal finances.
SBCLT has Community Income Tax Credits awarded to us from the State of Maryland. Individual gifts given of $500 and over are eligible for a Tax Credit that helps to defray Maryland State Taxes in this fiscal year.
In-kind gifts: SBCLT is always working to support our community and our neighbors. If you are a business owner, sole proprietor or someone with a talent that would benefit our work, please contact us so that we might partner on furthering our work together.