Homeowners Application

Please fill out the application below and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Homeownership Application Form

Applicant Name(s) (Nombre o Nombres del Solicitante)(Required)
For applicant, co-applicant, any other adults in the home receiving income and children over 18 years of age – Includes regular employment, self-employment, gratuities and commissions BEFORE tax and other deductions, child or spousal support, employment insurance, Pension, Social Security, disability pension, Worker’s Compensation, investment income, etc.
Current Address (Dirección Actual)
Do you or anyone in your household have any of the following? Select all that apply (¿Tiene usted u otro miembro de su hogar alguno de los siguientes? Seleccione lo que sea pertinente)
Have you previously owned a home? (¿Has sido dueño(a) de casa previamente?)
Type of home preferred (Tipo de casa preferida)
Do you plan to use this home as your primary residence? (¿Piensa usar este hogar como su residencia principal?)
Do you have a mortgage prequalification letter? If yes, please attach a copy to this form. If not, SBCLT can help you in the mortgage qualification process. (¿Tiene carta de precalificación hipotecaria? Si la tiene, favor adjunte una copia a este formulario. Si no, SBCLT puede ayudarte en el procession de calificación hipotecaria.)
Max. file size: 512 MB.
SBCLT has partnered with Fulton Bank and Operation Hope to provide homebuyer education and pre-purchase counseling to residents interested in purchasing a Community Land Trust home. By checking below, you give permission to both Operation Hope, a HUD-certified Credit and Debt Counseling Program, and SBCLT to share information between the organizations regarding your readiness for home purchase. Additionally, by checking below, you authorize SBCLT to share your contact information with Operation Hope for follow-up and enrollment into their pre-purchase counseling and education program. This information sharing release is in effect for 18 months from this date.
The above documents will be reviewed by SBCLT staff to ensure that the total family income falls below 50 percent of Baltimore City Area Median Income (AMI). Income will not be imputed for assets below $5,000. For assets over $5,000 income will be imputed at the rate of 2% annually. This practice is currently used by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The income thresholds for Baltimore city can be found by visiting the following website: https://dhcd.baltimorecity.gov/sites/default/files/HOME%20Income%20Limits-MD-2020.pdf (Los anteriores documentos serán revisados por los miembros de SBCLT para asegurar que el ingreso total de su familia cae bajo el 50 por ciento del Ingreso Medio del Área de Baltimore City (AMI). Ingreso no será imputado por bienes con valor de menos de $5,000. Para los bienes con valor de $5,000 o más, su ingreso será imputado a un ritmo anual de 2%. Esta práctica es usada actualmente por el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de Estados Unidos. El límite de ingreso para la Ciudad de Baltimore se pueden encontrar en el siguiente sitio web: https://dhcd.baltimorecity.gov/sites/default/files/HOME%20Income%20Limits-MD-2020.pdf *

Need Housing?

Start now by filling out our Housing Application Form. We will follow up with you and do our best to support you in your journey.